Ed was born March 31, 1883, in Philadelphia and moved with his parents
to St. Paul and later to Roscoe, Minnesota. He attended St. John's College
for a time, then moved to Texas.
He married Aline Benola Blair, a practical nurse and a widow with three children, in Liberty, Texas,
on October 15, 1914. Aline was born November 7, 1886, in New Orleans, to Lewis Blair and Clara Johnson.
Ed was a heavy equipment operator and engineer. He died in Houston
on December 4, 1928. Aline died in Houston on February 11, 1938.
Homer was the only child born to this
union, but Ed legally adopted Aline's 3 children from her former marriage--Theodore,
Grace, and Louis.
Ted was a professor of zoology at UCLA, an authority on protozoa.
He married a fellow student, Frances Floed, on July 18, 1931, in New York. Frances was from Idaho. Ted died May 1, 1979,
and Frances died in August 1994.
Grace married William Henry Lange and lived on a farm near Houston. Grace died December 13, 1998;
William died September 16, 1979. They had 2 children.
- Willard Theodore Lange, born June 17, 1929; married Glenda Conneen Taylor, daughter of Bernice Raven Taylor and Nona Amy Muston, on February 6, 1954; they had 3 children:
- Brenda Sue, born May 26, 1955.
- Jerri Lou, born October 24, 1956. Jerri Lou married John Naylor; they had a son, Jason Theodore, born
September 28, 1975. When Jerri Lou died in October 1980, Willard adopted his grandson.
- David Lyn, born September 28, 1958; married Linda Vierus September 19, 1993, in Texas.
- Homer Charles Lange, born February 5, 1933; married Zena Maurene Taylor (Conneen's sister) June 28, 1952;
they had 3 children:
- Bradley Allen, born August 16, 1953. Brad married Mary Janet (Jan) Snodgrass on July 19, 1975; they adopted
4 children:
- Christopher Allen, born March 13, 1986; married April, March 27, 2010.
- Michael Howard, born June 7, 1987.
- Wayne Scott, born June 10, 1988. Wayne and his wife Mary had a son, Austin Radford, born
January 24, 2011, in Philadelphia.
- Amanda Marie, born August 10, 1989. She had a son, Leland Allen, born June 7, 2009.
- Linda Charlene, born June 20, 1955; married Charles White on June 27, 1981. They had a daughter, Amanda
Charlene, born August 1, 1986. Linda was killed in a motorcycle accident on November 22, 2010.
- Cynthia Alene, born July 6, 1956; married Daryl Thomas VanDeventer on December 16, 1977. They had a son,
Billy Ray, born December 28, 1986.
Louis and his wife, Eugenia Lillian Jahn (born September 1, 1913), had a dental supply business in San Antonio.
Louis died March 19, 1980; Eugenia died November 30, 1996, in San Antonio.
Source: Eighteen Cousins, by Bert Jahn (1988); updated 2011.
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